Tuesday 14 June 2011

Iona's Photo of Mia Trials

I've taken a few test photos to be the one Iona takes of Mia, unknown to her and the audience. It is going to be a mystery how the photo came to be; and it won't ever be revealed. So I want it to be sufficiently shocking and able to tell a story of its own without having to explain its part in the film.

So I've experimented with different techniques (in make up, hair, lighting and editing) ; albeit once again using very primative means (smudging make up, scruffing up hair, using the flourescent strip light in my bathroom, and editing the shadows and highlighting levels in Picasa)

Here are the best of the photos:

I've tried to make tear tracks that appear like blood, with the weird shadows and colours for the supernatural effect. I also tried to create a truly fearful expression. I'm hoping that these things combined will avoid the need to explain the photo, I want it to be a mystery, but with no doubt at all of Iona's threat behind it.

I couldn't decide which version of this particular photo was most effective, so please comment on your favourite :)


This is another photo I tried:
I tried adding some light to give it a different quality:

I also tried an extreme close up of the eyes being hidden, as though to pretect herself from Iona's invasion:

I then tried a much lighter approach, but I don't like it for the original purpose. I think it fits more as Iona's character than Mia, but I don't want Iona to ever be seen:

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