Wednesday 25 May 2011

Hello :)

Hi, I'm Becky and this is my blog for my film "Iona"

I keep a normal blog, then make a new one for each project. This one was an idea that randomly came to me whilst revising for my Media exam! So I wrote it down, came back to it, and now have a story all set out on electronic index cards ready for me to write as a script. Here is the basic story (without giving away everything!) :

Amelia Morgan (Mia), an ordinary schoolgirl, disrupted by reccurring nightmares, which grow to become supernatural occurances. A spirit of a 9-year old girl who died (Iona) haunts her bedroom. Iona's story unfolds, explaining Mia's nightmares. Out of her depth, she is helped by her Drama teacher Mr Samson, who promises to help rid her of the spirit.

However Mia forms a strange bond with Iona which shows her that she is filled with hate and fear. Mia and Mr Samson try to help her; and along the way they discover truly dark secrets from Iona's past.

Will they be able to help her move on? Or will it all be too much for them all?
...and will Mr Samson's past affect his present judgement?

I've written profiles for each character to help develop their natures in accordance with their pasts. Next I will start my first draft of the script as I now know exactly what will happen, and mainly how I'm going to achieve it.

Then I'll hold auditions for the characters. I do, admittedly, want to play the part of Mia. This could be a little difficult when it comes to filming it, but I intend to dummy the scenes quickly with another actor, showing a camera-person that I will choose, the exact shots I'm trying to get. One thing I am certain of, is that I don't ever want the audience to see Iona. I want it to be down to their imagination and interpretation, so it can be personal to each viewer, and keep her as an unknown.

I'm aiming to have this film finished by September 2012. I want to start filming in August 2011. That gives me 2 months to write for all the pre-production. I know its quite ambitious as I'm trying to do it as much myself as is possible, but I think I can do it.

I'll upload bits and pieces as it comes together, as a kind of personal project documentation. It also helps to prove this is my idea, and I'm intending on copyrighting it (not that I really expect anyone to want to steal it - at least not at this stage if at all)

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